Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Triatholon

Today was an exciting day for me, because today it was the Triathlon! On the way to school I started to think about my strategies for my running. I decided to do a jog at the start and a sprint at the end.

At school Stephen talked to us about the Triathlon. When it was my turn to race I got ready at the starting line. We did some exersising, then we were off.

The running was hard because I got the stitch and by the time I got to the pool I thought I would collapse.

After the pool was the real challenge, the biking! As I climbed on my bike I thought about how far I'd gotten and zoomed off up the hill towards the field. Afterwards I felt proud of myself!

I thought the Triathlon was awesome!


  1. Ana, I'm proud of you too because as well as trying your very best, you had such a great attitude of giving it a go and enjoying yourself. You were awesome!

  2. Way to go Ana, what a great description of your triathlon - I felt tired reading about it!
