Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Writing sample

Description: In writing we chose a goal based on what we need to work on. The options were: Words, Ideas and Sentences. I chose Ideas because I couldn't find any planning at all in any pieces of my writing. My specific goal in Ideas is to use planning templates. To get better at it I am looking at photos, generating ideas from them and then putting them down in a template. 

Success criteria.
To have ideas about what to write.
To plan thoroughly.
To have a clear structure.
To stick the main point. 
We used this photo for motivation. Here are my plans.

Big idea:

Wow Ana! You used a lot if hints and ALOT of descriptive words. Do you think your story makes sense? I think your story is so great, I have no idea on what you might need to work on. Maybe you could practise paragraphing shorter paragraphs but still keep the main idea.

Evaluation: I think I could add another paragraph in and shorten some of my other paragraphs because sometimes it is a lot to read. I did well at using adjectives and adding clues. And I planned my story well. 


  1. Awesome writing as usual, Ana. I love that you made the bird the villain of the piece instead of the usual bird-cat typecasting. A little paragraphing when speech is happening would definitely help the reader.

  2. Wow Ana, what a fantastic piece of writing! I hope you found that planning before writing helped you generate ideas and stick to the main points. You had me hooked from the start, added some great clues that led in to the problem and resolution, and said just enough at the end to make it interesting from start to end! I agree that by organising the speech into shorter paragraphs it would make it easier for the reader to follow the conversation. I can't wait to read your next story!

  3. Sup Ana, its Aye.
    I think you did well and I agree you might need shorter paragraphs. I think you have followed the sucsess criteria perfectly. Your clues are VERY mysterious and they grip the reader to read more. I am so excited to read your next big story!!!
    (Aye Dawg does backflip and wears shades)

    1. Sorry Ana,
      I think you have achieved your goal in planning the perfect story. You have definatly followed the main points of planning.
      (Aye Dawg does triple duple quadriple back flip and walks away from explosion) :BOOOOOM:
