We had to describe this photo of a bus stop in Athens, Georgia.
Ever wondered what a bus stop would be like in the future?
Well here's your answer. Twenty seven year old Bobbi Jones of Athens, Georgia created this captivating marvoul after her dog, the late Stevey Jones, passed away. " I wanted to make somthing to remeber him by." Bobbi quoted " He used to enjoy going for strolls to the dump." "A great work of art, symbolising our city." Stated Mayor Dullbrain. Several hours before the revelation Neighbour Noser Parker recalled hearing loud noises coming from the backyard. "At first I thought it was the dog, then after the noise continued I got curious and went round to see if everything was allright. On arrival I was reasurred that everything was fine." Mrs Parker stated. The real question that's rocking the nation is how? Who would chuck away a perfectly good bus, Let alone three?